Monday, January 26, 2009

Just Say "YES"

I am reminded on a daily basis of how God looks and reacts towards us. We are called His royal priesthood; His holy nation; and His "children." God uses many different means of communicating with us such as, prayer, His word, and our experiences in life. How appropriate for Him to show us our attitudes and actions through our own children.

I am constantly asking God for things; please help me be a good father and husband, heal those that are sick, and bless me so that I may bless others. Every time I ask God for something I want Him and hope for Him to say "YES." When my child looks at me in the eyes and asks me to play dress-up, or ponies, or house, what is my initial response. "No, sweetheart. I have important things to do." I was shocked to find out in my morning devotion, that God may also answer me in the same way I answer my children.

"Yeah, but, I ask God for important things," you may say. Do we not ask for things that are important to us at the time? God is fair and just. (II Cor. 9:6) Your children are precious and only young for a short time. Cherish them as you would have God cherish you and answer them as you would have God answer you. As for me, I have some ponies to play with. =)

"Lord, may my answers to my children be "yes" more often in accordance with your will. AMEN"

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Christian Family serves the Lord. - Joshua 24:15

A servant is one who is dedicated to carrying out the orders of their master. When Joshua spoke to the Israelites, he asked them to decide who they would serve; the gods of their forefathers in Egypt or the Lord. Joshua made it abundantly clear who they should serve and who he and his household would serve. An effective servant is one who communicates with his master and collaborates with fellow servants to fulfill his master's desires.

Communication with God is vital in being an effective servant. The praises we offer God show Him that we are thankful for what He has provided us. Our prayers are a way of seeking guidance. God may not answer our prayers in the way we want Him to or when we would like, but if our prayers are in accordance with His will, we can trust Him in His decisions and give thanks in all circumstances. (I Thess. 5:16) We, as good servants, must also be willing to put aside our immediate agendas and be open to receiving instruction at a moments notice.
When we offer praises and requests as a family, Jesus Christ is in the midst of us. (Matthew 18:20) He hears us and treats us as a collective whole. This is beneficial to the whole family because He will also speak to us separately in one purpose.

When a family is united in prayer, their actions will result in serving the Lord as well. Serving the Lord can come in many different forms. It all starts in the household. My wife and I strive to serve each other on a daily basis. Not only in our actions but our words as well, thereby setting the example for our two children. This attitude has spilled out of our household and into the house of my parents that live near. My daughter loves to give things away and be a servant to whoever she can. She has even come in the house to ask for a cup of water for strangers that walk past our house. While some don't accept the gesture, all are complimentary in her giving spirit. (Matthew 25:31-45)

Never let your relationship with God be one sided; either way. Let God take the burden off your shoulders so you may be more effective for Him. (1 Peter 5:7) In the same way, praise Him for your blessings and be receptive to correction and instruction.

"May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, lead us to a closer walk with Him, and, thereby, help us to serve Him by serving others."